Getting the right information
Jargon free FAQ’s and guides are available at the following links.
- What is an Umbrella Company?
- What is the difference between Agency PAYE and Umbrella companies?
- Choosing an Umbrella Company
- Limited vs Umbrella
- How to spot a Compliant Umbrella Company – Coming soon
How can we help…
Our team work with some of the best partners in the business. Although we do not run an umbrella company service ourselves, we recommend our 5/5 rated partner Clarity Umbrella.
The benefit of using Clarity Umbrella is that should your circumstances change whilst working through your own limited company, you can use our Easy Switch service which allows you to switch between limited or umbrella at no extra cost!
Find out more by visiting our Easy Switch page or visit our dedicated Clarity Umbrella page to book a FREE call back.